Tag Archives: white

Opening the door of inner self psychedelic t-shirt design

Hey guys! Today I’d like to share some of my recent artworks. Here is the story behind the design. Some time ago I was contacted by Tim Stritzel – a young writer from Germany. He said he was writing a psychedelic novel about one person’s spiritual journey and he would like me to create a cover for the book. I was very much inspired to take part in this project.

May 2015 t-shirt designs round up

Hey guys! I have not been posting for more than a month and today I’d like to show you what new t-shirt designs I’ve made during May 2015. Each design can be ordered on Design by Humans or RedBubble. Enjoy!

New psychedelic illustrations on DBH and RedBubble 2

Hey guys! Here some recent psychedelic t-shirt designs. I continue my studies of animals. This time I was trying to make some wolf faces of natural patterns – plants and mushrooms.

New psychedelic illustrations on DBH and RedBubble 1

Bear Roar Psychedelic T-shirt by Andrei Verner

Hey guys! You know I’m running a store on Etsy but right now I have some problems with the print-shop I’ve been working with for the last couple of years and I’ve decided to focus on print on demand services like Design by Humans and RedBubble. Today I’d like to present you some of my recent designs I’ve uploaded to these sites.

New run of Cheshire Cat’s dream – psychedelic uv t-shirt

Hey guys! The first time I’ve printed Cheshire Cat’s dream I ran out of lady’s tees very fast, so this time there are more of ’em. The t-shirts come not only in black and blue textile, but also in pink for ladies and dark red for men.

Привет, друзья! Когда я в первый раз напечатал Сон Чеширского Кота, у меня очень быстро закончились женские футболки. И вот, не прошло и года, я напечатал еще один небольшой тираж в 50 штук. Футболки на этот раз не только черные и синии, но и розовые для девушек и темно-красные для юношей.

Cheshire Cat’s dream psychedelic T-shirt

Hey guys! I’ve printed a new psychedelic t-shirt! It’s called “Cheshire Cat’s dream”. There is Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sleeping and dreaming of himself as hindu or buddhist god-like creature (you can see a small cat sleeping right under the chain of skulls). There is also a White Rabbit, Smoking Caterpillar and Madhatter’s skull on the buttom of the image.

Привет друзья! Я напечатал новую психоделическую футболку. Называется она “Сон Чеширского Кота”. На принте изображен Чеширский Кот из Алисы в Стране Чудес, который спит на коленях четырех-рукого индуистского или буддийского богоподобного существа, и ему снится, что это он и есть это мощное существо. Среди прочих мелочей, на картинке можно найти Белого Кролика, Курящую Гусеницу и череп Шляпного Болванщика.

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt Design

Hey guys! How is it going? Today I’ve got some good news for people who are looking for a cool psychedelic art T-shirt . I’ve just finished my new design and I want to print it on fabric!

Check out the post to see the design, get the discount and download the free psychedelic wallpaper!

Psychedelic 3D sculptures by Martinakis Adam

Hey everyone. Hope you’re all doing well. :) Here comes my new inspiration post. Today feature is a bit different from the previous ones. Martinakis Adam is 3D artist from Greece. His art is very minimalistic in color and very emotional at the same time. You’ll find 6 amazing psychedelic 3D artworks and a video […]

Free vector Valentine’s day card template

Yes, it’s almost a month ahead of Valentine’s day, but it’s better to start preparing earlier so you won’t have any headache on 14th of February ;)

This freebie is a Valentine’s day special. You can easily modify it with Adobe Illustrator CS to change the text.