Tag Archives: exhibition

Visionary art of Dennis Konstantin

Hi all! This inspiration post is a showcase of beautiful visionary art of Dennis Konstantin – a painter from Germany. What I specially like about his paintings is the way he works with text – the letters are painted very artistically and the choice of fonts is cool!

Друзья! Этот вдохновенческий пост состоит из визионерской живописи Dennis Konstantin-а – художника из Германии. Что мне особенно нравится в его живописи, так это работа с текстом – здоровски написанные буквы (в том смысле, что они живонаписанны (: ) и выбор шрифтов довольно интересный!

Andrei Verner – Best of 2011

Greetings my friends! 2012 is on the run but today I’d like to present you the list of top 10 posts from 2011. There are many new people coming to this psychedelic blog and I don’t want them to miss a thing. I also want to thank all of you who have been sharing my passion for psychedelic art during 2011. Lets stay together!

Psychedelic art exhibition showcase

Yesterday I’ve posted some photographs from the psychedelic art exhibition we’ve held on music and art festival Pustye Holmy 2011 (Пустые Холмы 2011). Within today’s post you’ll find the showcase of the psychedelic artworks featured in our exhibition: drawings, fractals, paintings and illustrations.

Psychedelic art exhibition on Pustye Holmy 2011

Few days ago me and my friends went to a music and art festival “Pustye Holmy” (Пустые Холмы) to make a small psychedelic art exhibition. There were 7 authors with 30 digital and analog pictures. Hand paintings and drawings, fractals, vector illustrations and digital paintings were attached to the walls.