Inktober Trip to the UK

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Hey guys! What’s up? I’ve recently come from a 10 days trip to the UK and I’d like to share some of my artistic progress I did during this trip.

First of all I should say it was super intense – me and my wife had only ten days and we’ve made it to London, York, Edinburgh, Isle of Skye and Bristol!

As you might know I was participating in Inktober with my shroomy characters. And I had those illusions of me completing the 31-every-day-illustration-challenge while traveling. Well… I did not :)

It has started relatively OK when I did the first two illustrations in a freshly bought tiny A6 sketchbook from National Gallery in London. But then the vacation took over and I did not really feel like continuing – definitely a lack of motivation, haha. Below are these two illustrations.

My Inktober tools
Last two Inktober entries
Last two Inktober entries

After London we went to Edinburgh by train via York. And from Edinburgh we drove to the Isle of Skye. Right now Scotland in general a strong number 2 in my list of inspiring places on Earth after the state of Utah. It took us about 7,5-8 hours to drive to Portree and the landscapes were absolutely stunning during all the time except when it was too dark to see anything :)

On the Isle of Skye our number 1 priority was the Old Man of Storr. We did a relaxed one-one-and-a-half hour hike and I’ve realized I can make a series of Mushroom Trips illustrations with my shroomy characters in different locations.

And after that I was making a sketch of the Old Man of Storr and it just struck me – the huge rock looked like a mushroom stem and the clouds could form a perfect mushroom cap! I still believe it’s a really strong concept and I will definitely add this symbol to my shroomy universe and maybe make a tapestry with it in 2020.

Our final stop in this trip was Bristol – we were staying at our friends from DeepThinkTattoo. We were thinking of making some sort of collaboration for a long time but we have not seen each other for few years and it seamed like a perfect timing. So I did few sketches of a tattoo for myself and after all I decided to go with a drawing mushroom! We’ve looked through a collection of backgrounds and picked one. After making some adjustments the design was ready.

And here it is! Below is the almost finished tattoo! I will make a proper picture after it is healed. This was actually my first one and I’m very happy with the result and the whole process and the situation that was unfolding around it. And it made a perfect Inktober ending! xD

While I was being tattooed I felt like I’m not going to tattoo anyone in any near future but I’m more than open for tattoo design requests. If you like my art and you want me to design something specially for you don’t hesitate to contact me!

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