Weekend Painting

Weekend Painting Header

Hey guys! What’s up? Today I’d like to share with you one of my most recent quick-paintings. If you were following me for a while you know I’ve been a digital artist for many years now and I was never doing traditional paintings. Well, I was back in 2002-2008 when I was studying in the university. So a couple of months ago I’ve got a request to create a painting from one of my fans and I thought it’s a really good idea to get back to traditional painting :)

I was trying to stick to a one painting per month schedule but I’ve realized it will be way better for my painter-progress if I was painting more. I sure can not do more than one polished painting every month at the moment so I decided I will paint one small piece every weekend. Just for fun you know.

The first one I did was not a complete failure but definitely not one that I would like to share with you guys :) The second was better and you can find it in my Instagram. And now I have a quick-painting that I like enough to post it here haha.

I’m now living in Tel Aviv in a roof-top apartment so I’m collecting plants to fill the roof. I’m usually using plants motifs in my digital art so I decided to paint some of the plants from my collection. Below is the model for my painting.

Weekend Painting - Model
Weekend Painting – Model

And here is the painting. I was not aiming to make it super-close to the original model – just took the general rhythm of this fractal creature :)

Weekend Painting
Weekend Painting

And a couple of closeups.

Weekend Painting - Closeup
Weekend Painting – Closeup
Weekend Painting - Closeup
Weekend Painting – Closeup

As you can see it’s a pretty small painting and it took me something around two hours to complete it.

Weekend Painting and Model
Weekend Painting and Model

Later this week I will paint more of my plants and by the end of September I will release a new 40x40cm painting that has originated from the one I painted in August.

Weekend Painting and Andrei Verner
Weekend Painting and Andrei Verner

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