Tag Archives: organic

Organic visionary art of Otto Rapp

Hey people! Today I’d like to show you visionary paintings by Otto Rapp – a great artist from Austria. His paintings resemble living multi-cellar organisms – they are highly detailed, consist of flexible shapes and out of this world attitude.

Привет друзья! Сегодняшний пост посвящен визионерскому искусству Otto Rapp – великолепного художника из Австрии. Его живопись напоминает живые многоклеточные организмы – его картины полны деталей, состоят из множества подвижных и эластичных форм и обладают внеземной атмосферой.

Crazy house in Dalat, Vietnam

Hey guys! Sorry for being offline for the last week. I’ve been on a trip from Russia to Vietnam where I plan to spend next few month. The most important thing for me at the moment is finding a nice house to live in. So I decided to dedicate this post to Crazy House – a psychedelic architectural living organism from Dalat.