Through the Portal

Through the Portal - Header

Hey guys! What’s up? Today is the day – I’ve completed a painting I had started back in August. It’s called “Trough the Portal” and it is the second of the series about a guy who has woken up in a different galaxy and now he is trying to get back home. The first painting was “Looking for the Home Galaxy” and it depicts a guy standing in front of the portal.

As always, this painting has started as a bunch of sketches and I decided to go with the one that has the character kinda melting into the portal.

I was really enjoying the painting process and as you can see the color scheme was relatively peaceful.

But later due to some outer circumstances I decided to make it more intense and I’ve painted it over with UV-paint. I guess I’ve put to many layers and the feeling the painting was transmitting before was completely lost. Below is a photo of work in progress in UV-light.

Through the Portal - work in progress
Through the Portal – work in progress – UV-light

To be honest I think it was just a reflection of my inner state. 2019 was pretty intense and right now it’s the most wrathful time of the year. But what can I do – I keep on creating art.

So, having in mind that looking at this painting was making me more aggressive than creative I decided to go with the trick that I was always enjoying and was always resulting in some cool stuff. So I took the marker and started tracing and adding graphic details.

After all I’m pretty happy with the result. I think this is one of the few artworks that I have a strong emotional connection with. I can not say these emotions are pleasant but they are definitely transformational. I guess this is exactly what going “Through the Portal” is :)

I’m starting a new painting on November 26th and it will be a continuation of this story of searching for the Home. If you want to be the one to own that future painting, drop me a line and I will tell you more about it.

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