Surreal and psychedelic paintings by Mati Klarwein

Hey people! Some time ago I saw a painting by Mati Klarwein on Facebook. I loved it so much I googled his web-site and I stuck there for a while. So I decided to share some of his paintings with you my friends.

Mati Klarwein was an old-school painter (he passed away in 2002) with love for details and surreal and psychedelic subjects that formed mind-blowing canvases.

You can click on every image below to enlarge it.

Nativity - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

Walking-on-Water - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

Time - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

Conceptual-Tree - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

Live - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

clone-unfinished - surreal and psychedelic painting by Mati Klarwein

Please, visit Mati Klarwein’s web-site to see more of his paintings!

You can also take a look at my other traditional psychedelic art posts!

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