Tag Archives: nature

Room Nine Unlimited – The Seamstress EP – album cover

Hey guys! Few days ago I’ve finished an album cover for Room Nine Unlimited. The Seamstress EP will be released in December 8th 2014 but you can already test the sound – the link can be found within the post!

Printed nature by David Hale

Hey people! Few days ago I’ve stumbled upon an new album “Conversations with Bees” by Invisible Allies. Their music is really nice but what dragged my attention much more was the album cover. I’ve googled out the artist’s name which is David Hale and I’d like to share some of his artworks with you.

КАТЯ CHILLY – VISHNI REMIXED – surreal album cover

Hey guys! Here is an album cover I did for OmMan Records’s recent release “КАТЯ CHILLY – VISHNI REMIXED”. Long story short they guys from the label decided to stick with another design but I still want to show you my work. There is also some music embedded within the post so don’t miss it!

Hypnotic Creatures psychedelic trance party flyer design

Hypnotic Creatures Poster

Hey guys. Here is my recent artwork for Earth Star’s new psychedelic trance party “Hypnotic Creatures”. First we planned to have more creatures on the canvas, but it turned out that the flyer was a complete mess. So the final design is not that detailed.

Full Moon psychedelic wallpaper

Hey guys! Today is full moon and I’d like to share a free wallpaper with a full moon theme with you. It was supposed to be an artwork for my friends but I’ve made another one for ’em. I still like this digital painting and I’m sure it could be a nice decoration for your desktop for a while. It is super wide so I decided to add black space on the top and bottom that could be used by PC users to place the files and links.

Beyond Illusion psychedelic trance party flyer

Beyond Illusion Poster

Hey people. Today I’d like to share some recent art of mine. It’s a flyer I’ve made for Earth Star. It was one of the projects when everything goes nice and smooth. The theme (Beyond Illusion) the guys proposed was cool, the sketch came out in a minute and the resources were waiting for me out there on sxc.hu and cgtextures.com. You’ll see the flyer I’ve made (with some text layout editing by Alien Angel) and the background without any text within the post.

How to use Pattern Brush in Adobe Illustrator to create a snake

Hey people! I’ve came up with a new tutorial. This time I’ll show you how to use Pattern Brush in Adobe Illustrator to create a snake, pipe, cord – anything that has beginning element, repeating pattern in the middle and an ending element. This is a fast tutorial you can complete in 10-30 minutes and it will save lots of time in your future projects!

Ubud Forest Spirit

Hey guys! I just wanted to share with you my latest Ubud news. We’ve moved to a new house in Penestanan (it’s a black mages village near Ubud). Everything is cool and here is a small digital painting I did recently. You can click the image to see a larger version. Done in ArtRage Studio.

Artists of the week for September 12th 2013

Hey guys! I hope you are all doing great. The reason I did not post for quite a while is that I’ve had the most amazing summer and so far autumn mostly far away from my laptop)). But I’m back to it now and here is the first inspiration post in a new format – […]

Shroomy art of Ciaran Shaman

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you some mushroom art by Ciaran Shaman – a living classic from England. All images are clickable and enlargable.

Привет, друзья! Сегодня я хочу показать вам немного грибного творчества Ciaran Shaman – живого классика из Англии. Все картинки кликабельны для увеличения.

Psychedelic watercolor animals by Laura Ball

Hey guys! This post is dedicated to psychedelic watercolor paintings by Laura Ball. I love the tones of white space and the melting mix of textures and colors. Enjoy!

Привет, друзья! Этот пост посвящен психоделической акварели руки Laura Ball. Мне очень по нраву масса белого пространства и тающие и перетекающие текстуры и цвета. Наслаждайтесь!

Ayahuasca art of Felix Pinchi Aguirre

Hey all! Today I’d like to share some peruvian ayahuasca art with you. The painter’s name is Felix Pinchi Aguirre. His art is extremely vivid, pulsing and truly alive due to its subject and technique the painter uses.

Всем привет! Сегодня я покажу вам несколько работ перуанского художника Felix Pinchi Aguirre-а с ярко-выраженной тематикой айяуаски. Его живопись невероятно яркая, пульсирующая и живая ввиду сюжетов и техники, которую использует автор.

Deer death free psychedelic wallpaper

Hey people! Here comes my new free psychedelic wallpaper. I wanted to finish this artwork by the end of 2012, but… you know, New Year and all that fuzz. Anyway, I hope you like this deadly nature design.

Друзья! Спешу поделиться с вами моей новой иллюстрацией в форме бесплатных психоделических обоев для рабочего стола. Я планировал закончить эту работу в прошлом декабре, но Новый Год, каникулы и все такое) Вобщем, надеюсь вам прийдется по душе этот мертвецки-природный дизайн.

Union of Spirit psychedelic trance and reggae party flyer

Union Spirit Poster

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you my new artwork I did for Earth Star – a psychedelic flyer and poster. The name of the party is Union of Spirit, so we decided to have a union of dwarfs as symbol for reggae band that plays at the upcoming gig and elves for the psytrance DJs. You’ll find some sketches, the final artwork, closeups and the flyer within the post.

Всем привет! Сегодня я хочу показать вам мою новую работу – психоделический флаер для Earth Star. Название вечеринки можно перевести как Единство Духа. Мы с ирландскими товарищами решили, что изображать это единство будут гномы, как символ регги-группы, выступающей на вечеринке, и эльфы – псайтрансовые диджеи. Внутри поста я выложил эскизы, финальный фоновый рисунок, пару крупных планов и сам флаер.

Gandhi Psychedelic Khokhloma T-shirt

Hey guys! I’m finally back from our loooong Russian New Year holidays. Today I wonna show you my new t-shirt – Gandhi Psychedelic Khokhloma. I truely adore Gandhi (not very original but true) and I wanted to use my Halloween Khokhloma to create this design. You’ll find photos of the t-shirts and the original digital design within the post.

Всем привет! Я наконец выруливаю из этих длиннющих новогодних каникул на прямую дорожку психоделических трудов. Незадолго до Нового Года я напечатал новые футболки посвященные Махатме Ганди. Я искренне восхищаюсь этим человеком + давно хотел использовать мои психоделические хохломские орнаменты для дизайна футболки. Внутри поста фотки с футболками и цифровая версия дизайна

Organic visionary art of Otto Rapp

Hey people! Today I’d like to show you visionary paintings by Otto Rapp – a great artist from Austria. His paintings resemble living multi-cellar organisms – they are highly detailed, consist of flexible shapes and out of this world attitude.

Привет друзья! Сегодняшний пост посвящен визионерскому искусству Otto Rapp – великолепного художника из Австрии. Его живопись напоминает живые многоклеточные организмы – его картины полны деталей, состоят из множества подвижных и эластичных форм и обладают внеземной атмосферой.

Trippy doodles by Lutamesta

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you funny trippy doodles by Lutamesta – a psychedelic artist from Japan. I find these pictures a bit naive but very emotional. I like this style a lot ’cause almost anyone can do it. All you need is good paper, thin marker and patience!)

Всем привет! Хочу вам сегодня показать несколько глючных рисунков Lutamesta – психоделического художника (цы?) из Японии. Работы эти, на мой вкус, несколько наивные и от того очень эмоциональны. Мне очень нравится этот стиль тем, что он не требует особых навыков и очень многие могут попробовать себя в нем – тут главное хорошая бумага, тонкий маркер и усидчивость!)

Visionary landscapes of John Stephens

Hey people! This inspiration post features amazing visionary paintings by John Stephens. Dive into the post to see several extremely luminous, view and mind expanding artworks!

Друзья! Этот пост посвящен невероятной визионерской (честно, не знаю подходящего слова по-русски, а словарь выдает какую-то ерунду) живописи кисти John Stephens. Ныряйте в пост и насладитесь невероятно светоносными, расширяющими взгляд и сознание работами!