Tag Archives: T-shirt

Drop Acid Not Bombs psychedelic t-shirts preorder

Hi everyone! I’ve finally have everything ready for the tees to be printed. Now you can preorder the t-shirt from my Etsy Shop with 35% discount. This special offer will be active till April 23rd. There are two preorder pages: one for man’s tees and one for lady’s tees. Thanks in advance! :) I really appreciate your support and I’m very happy to make products that you people enjoy wearing.

Drop Acid Not Bombs t-shirt design

Hey guys! Remember the t-shirt design sketches poll I’ve put for voting some time ago? Thanks everyone for voting, your feedback was really important! Well, the “Drop Acid Not Bombs” design turned out to be a winner so I’ve spent some time making the vector version of it. Today it is complete and you can check it out!

T-shirt sketches poll

Hey people! You know I’m doing t-shirt design and print the UV-glowing tees from time to time. I have not printed a new design for quite a while ’cause I was not sure if you guys gonna like the new t-shirt so much you’d like to buy it. So I’ve been thinking what if I give you 3 sketches to choose, you pick one and I make the digital design for the winning sketch for you to see.

New run of Cheshire Cat’s dream – psychedelic uv t-shirt

Hey guys! The first time I’ve printed Cheshire Cat’s dream I ran out of lady’s tees very fast, so this time there are more of ’em. The t-shirts come not only in black and blue textile, but also in pink for ladies and dark red for men.

Привет, друзья! Когда я в первый раз напечатал Сон Чеширского Кота, у меня очень быстро закончились женские футболки. И вот, не прошло и года, я напечатал еще один небольшой тираж в 50 штук. Футболки на этот раз не только черные и синии, но и розовые для девушек и темно-красные для юношей.

2 old school psychedelic t-shirts

Frankly, not very old school, but printed back in 2008-2009. I have very few left of these 100% cotton tees printed with fluorescent paint that glow in black (UV) light.

На самом деле не совсем олдскульные, просто напечатаны в 2008-2009. Футболки 100% хлопок, запечатанные флюрной краской, которая светится в клубном освещении. Количество футболок можно пересчитать по пальцам.

Cheshire Cat’s dream psychedelic T-shirt

Hey guys! I’ve printed a new psychedelic t-shirt! It’s called “Cheshire Cat’s dream”. There is Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sleeping and dreaming of himself as hindu or buddhist god-like creature (you can see a small cat sleeping right under the chain of skulls). There is also a White Rabbit, Smoking Caterpillar and Madhatter’s skull on the buttom of the image.

Привет друзья! Я напечатал новую психоделическую футболку. Называется она “Сон Чеширского Кота”. На принте изображен Чеширский Кот из Алисы в Стране Чудес, который спит на коленях четырех-рукого индуистского или буддийского богоподобного существа, и ему снится, что это он и есть это мощное существо. Среди прочих мелочей, на картинке можно найти Белого Кролика, Курящую Гусеницу и череп Шляпного Болванщика.

Gandhi Psychedelic Khokhloma T-shirt

Hey guys! I’m finally back from our loooong Russian New Year holidays. Today I wonna show you my new t-shirt – Gandhi Psychedelic Khokhloma. I truely adore Gandhi (not very original but true) and I wanted to use my Halloween Khokhloma to create this design. You’ll find photos of the t-shirts and the original digital design within the post.

Всем привет! Я наконец выруливаю из этих длиннющих новогодних каникул на прямую дорожку психоделических трудов. Незадолго до Нового Года я напечатал новые футболки посвященные Махатме Ганди. Я искренне восхищаюсь этим человеком + давно хотел использовать мои психоделические хохломские орнаменты для дизайна футболки. Внутри поста фотки с футболками и цифровая версия дизайна

T-shirt question

Hey guys! Today I have a question for you. As you might have already noticed, I love doing art and making psychedelic T-shirt designs. Here is the deal: you tell me any (reasonable and not offensive) subject for my future T-shirt design, I collect all this information, process it and create a freaking psychedelic design. Those of you who suggest a theme will get 30% off the T-shirt’s price. If you don’t have an idea but want to have a discount you can simply leave a comment with the T-shirt size you want – then you’ll get 20% off.

Всем привет! Как вы, наверно, заметили, я люблю рисовать и люблю делать дизайны футболок. Как вам такая тема: вы мне предлагаете объекты и/или сюжеты для футболок, а я их собираю в один насыщенный дизайн, печатаю футболочки и даю 30% скидку тем, кто предлагал идеи, и 20% тем, кто сделает предзаказ без идейных высказываний. Несколько человек уже высказались на счет сюжетов – дизайн обещает быть довольно шизанутым)).

Smile Buddha’s psychedelic art

Hi everyone! This psychedelic inspiration post is dedicated to Smile Buddha – a very talented artist from Ukrain. He has commented one of my posts about a week ago and I followed the link he gave to check out his web-site. Luckily I know Russian (lol) so I could serf that site for a while. At first I did not believe it was one person’s project – there are so many things he creates and writes about! I focused on Smile Buddha’s art and today I’d like to show you some of it.

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt is finally here!

Hey everyone! Turn On Tune In Drop Out psychedelic t-shirt is finally out for sale! It’s very vivid and it glows in the black light. Dive into the post to see the photos in the daylight and black light.

Small announcement

Hey people! This is a small announcement. I’m going to a Buddhist retreat for 9 days tomorrow so I won’t be able to add new posts till September 2nd. But I have some good news too. The “Turn On Tune In Drop Out” psychedelic T-shirts will be sent to the print-shop tomorrow and the T-shirts will be ready in the early September. You can still add a comment with your info to get 20% off the final price.

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt Design

Hey guys! How is it going? Today I’ve got some good news for people who are looking for a cool psychedelic art T-shirt . I’ve just finished my new design and I want to print it on fabric!

Check out the post to see the design, get the discount and download the free psychedelic wallpaper!

My first psychedelic linocut T-shirt prints

Hey people! About 3 months ago I told you about my plans on psychedelic clothes and accessories shop. Well, being honest I have not done much about it (things seemed a bit different in Thai mountains rather than in Moscow city-life). Anyway I’m moving towards printing psychedelic T-shirts myself. Yesterday was the first time I did the linocut prints.

You’ll see the results within the post! All images are clickable.

Plans about the Psychedelic clothes and accessories shop

Hey psychedelic people! Today I’d like to tell you a bit of my plans for late spring and early summer.

It’s been a while since I’ve started this psychedelic art and design blog – in fact more than a year. I’ve been posting lots of inspiration and free content during this period. What I always want to add to this blog was a psychedelic art shop where people could find trance clothes, psychedelic posters and different organic objects that will make their reality more vivid, intense and magic.

Marijuana love tree poster and t-shirt

Hey psychedelic people! I know Valentine’s Day is going to be only in a month, but today I’d like to show some of my art that refers to love. I’s going to be a “Marijuana love tree” vector artwork.

I’m sure there are lots of weed lovers among my readers, so this is for you guys!

Sounds of Nature

Hi all! It’s been a while since I did any T-shirt designs. Here is the new one. It’s called “Sounds of Nature”. This design refers to the tiny sounds of nature like the flaps of the butterfly wings, grass moving on the wind and trees waving their branches. If you like this design, please vote for it!

Aztec meeting – Psychedelic T-shirt design

Check out my new psychedelic T-shirt design “Aztec meeting”! This is semi-traditional Aztec design T-shirt with lots of characters and details: skulls, snakes, mushrooms and supernatural beings. Hopefully I’d have a chance to print a small pack of T-shirts (about 50 items) with fluorescent paint.

Зацените мой новый психоделический дизайн футболки! Я большой фанат искуства ацтеков, так что понемного внедряю его в свое творчество. Надеюсь, футболки в небольшом количестве (штук 50) удастся напечатать в июле.

Psychedelic T-shirt Sketches poll

Hey everyone!
Today I’ve got a question for you. I’m going to make a new psychedelic T-shirt design. So I’ve made two sketches. Can you please vote for one of them, so I could decide which one to develop.

Дамы и господа!
У меня назрел небольшой вопрос для вас. Я собираюсь делать дизайн для психоделической флюрной футболки. Сегодня я сделал два наброска и хотел бы узнать ваши предпочтения на счет того, который из них разрабатывать до состояния живой футболки.