Tag Archives: rabbit

Psychedelic Art I did for Waldfrieden Events

Psychedelic Art I did for Waldfrieden Events

Hey guys! What’s up? Today I’d like to show you some of the art I did for Waldfrieden Events. We’ve started our collaboration this summer and so far I’ve created two illustrations and animated them for Facebook event covers.

Opening the door of inner self psychedelic t-shirt design

Hey guys! Today I’d like to share some of my recent artworks. Here is the story behind the design. Some time ago I was contacted by Tim Stritzel – a young writer from Germany. He said he was writing a psychedelic novel about one person’s spiritual journey and he would like me to create a cover for the book. I was very much inspired to take part in this project.

Eyed tree – new psychedelic t-shirt design

Visionary Tree Psychedelic Man's T-shirt by Andrei Verner

Hey guys! Hope you are all doing great. My time in St. Petersburg is coming to an end. We’ll be going to Moscow soon and then to Montenegro. Today I’d like to show you the recent t-shirt design I’ve made for an upcoming psychedelic trance party in St. Petersburg organised by Padma Promotion. The t-shirts will be printed next week and now is the time when you can make a preorder with an almost 30% discount.

New run of Cheshire Cat’s dream – psychedelic uv t-shirt

Hey guys! The first time I’ve printed Cheshire Cat’s dream I ran out of lady’s tees very fast, so this time there are more of ’em. The t-shirts come not only in black and blue textile, but also in pink for ladies and dark red for men.

Привет, друзья! Когда я в первый раз напечатал Сон Чеширского Кота, у меня очень быстро закончились женские футболки. И вот, не прошло и года, я напечатал еще один небольшой тираж в 50 штук. Футболки на этот раз не только черные и синии, но и розовые для девушек и темно-красные для юношей.

Cheshire Cat’s dream psychedelic T-shirt

Hey guys! I’ve printed a new psychedelic t-shirt! It’s called “Cheshire Cat’s dream”. There is Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sleeping and dreaming of himself as hindu or buddhist god-like creature (you can see a small cat sleeping right under the chain of skulls). There is also a White Rabbit, Smoking Caterpillar and Madhatter’s skull on the buttom of the image.

Привет друзья! Я напечатал новую психоделическую футболку. Называется она “Сон Чеширского Кота”. На принте изображен Чеширский Кот из Алисы в Стране Чудес, который спит на коленях четырех-рукого индуистского или буддийского богоподобного существа, и ему снится, что это он и есть это мощное существо. Среди прочих мелочей, на картинке можно найти Белого Кролика, Курящую Гусеницу и череп Шляпного Болванщика.

Psychedelic animals inspiration pack

Hey people! Today I’d like to show you some animals seen through a lens of psychedelic perception. Within this post you’ll find 6 artworks of 6 different artist depicting 6 (evil laugh) animals. Have fun!

Albert Hofmann psychedelic portrait free wallpaper

Hey guys! I continue experimenting with art brushes in Adobe Illustrator. This is my vector interpretation of the great chemist Albert Hofmann who was the first man to synthesize LSD in 1938. Most of the image consists of LSD molecules. You can also find some trees and animals there ;)