Tag Archives: monster

Rocking Psyberia psychedelic trance album CD package art

Rocking Psyberia

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you some of my art I did quite a long time ago. It’s art I did for Fungus Funk’s psychedelic trance compilation release Rocking Psyberia. Check out the post to see all the pages – not only the cover art :)

Dark trippy art by Offermoord

Hey everyone! Today I’ve brought you some very trippy shit. Sorry for my language, but had not seen much dark psychedelic art for a while and this one has really impressed me. It’s not hardcore but you’ll know what I mean when you see it :)

Trippy creatures by Ellen June

Hey guys! This post is a bit different from most of the previous inspiration posts ’cause it features sculpture instead of paintings and illustrations but it might be even more inspiring! The sculptures by Ellen June are so trippy and they look incredibly alive. Dive into the post to see these creatures stuffed with most strange details!

Привет, друзья! Этот пост слегка отличается от обчных вдохновенческих постов просто потому, что работы, которые вы увидите, это скульптуры, а не живопись или иллюстрации. Но возможно, они даже более вдохновляющие!) Скульптуры Ellen June жутко глючные и выглядят как живые. Ныряйте в пост за невероятными существами, напичканными самыми странными деталями!

Organic visionary art of Otto Rapp

Hey people! Today I’d like to show you visionary paintings by Otto Rapp – a great artist from Austria. His paintings resemble living multi-cellar organisms – they are highly detailed, consist of flexible shapes and out of this world attitude.

Привет друзья! Сегодняшний пост посвящен визионерскому искусству Otto Rapp – великолепного художника из Австрии. Его живопись напоминает живые многоклеточные организмы – его картины полны деталей, состоят из множества подвижных и эластичных форм и обладают внеземной атмосферой.

Japanese demons and other mystical creatures

Hey guys! From time to time we all lack fantasy. Today I’ve stumbled upon a great source of inspiration. It is called Obakemono. This web-site is dedicated mostly to Japanese demons and other mystical creatures.

Life in Space psychedelic vector illustrations

Today the world is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the man’s flight to the Space. Yuri Gagarin is the hero’s name. “Day of Astronautics” is a very important national holiday in Russia. Since today it’s an international holiday according to the United Nations. This small inspiration pack is dedicated to the psychedelic vision of life in Space embodied in vector art.

Free Monster 404 error page illustration

Hey guys! I’ve got a new freebie for you. This time I’ve made a 404 error page illustration with a monster holding a sign and burning mushrooms!
The archive to download contains:

  • Adobe Illustrator 10 file
  • Illustrator 10 EPS file
  • High Resolution JPG file