Tag Archives: magic

Psychedelic worlds of Peter Rodulfo

Hi guys! Today I’m going on trip from Vietnam to Thailand and before I go I’d like to share more psychedelic art with you. This time it would be a Peruvian artist Anderson Debernardi. He is kind of old-school and well-known painter, but even if you’ve seen him before I’m sure it will be a pleasure to spend some time watching his paintings.

How to draw mushrooms in Adobe Illustrator

Autumn is on the run. And it is mushroom time! If you’ve never tried to draw a mushroom it’s your chance to learn how to do it in 10-30 minutes (depending on your skill). This is a 15 steps tutorial on Adobe Illustrator gradient mesh and Wrap effects. Enhoy!

COSMIC AWAKENING psychedelic party flyer

Cosmic Awakening Poster

Hey guys! Here is my new artwork for Earthstar. “COSMIC AWAKENING” is Gabriel Marques’s birthday party so you can see a shroomy cake which is a sacred temple at the same time!

You’ll find the front side of the flyer and a close up of the psychedelic cake.

Aztec meeting – Psychedelic T-shirt design

Check out my new psychedelic T-shirt design “Aztec meeting”! This is semi-traditional Aztec design T-shirt with lots of characters and details: skulls, snakes, mushrooms and supernatural beings. Hopefully I’d have a chance to print a small pack of T-shirts (about 50 items) with fluorescent paint.

Зацените мой новый психоделический дизайн футболки! Я большой фанат искуства ацтеков, так что понемного внедряю его в свое творчество. Надеюсь, футболки в небольшом количестве (штук 50) удастся напечатать в июле.