Tag Archives: jaguar

Artists of the week for September 12th 2013

Hey guys! I hope you are all doing great. The reason I did not post for quite a while is that I’ve had the most amazing summer and so far autumn mostly far away from my laptop)). But I’m back to it now and here is the first inspiration post in a new format – […]

Ayahuasca art of Felix Pinchi Aguirre

Hey all! Today I’d like to share some peruvian ayahuasca art with you. The painter’s name is Felix Pinchi Aguirre. His art is extremely vivid, pulsing and truly alive due to its subject and technique the painter uses.

Всем привет! Сегодня я покажу вам несколько работ перуанского художника Felix Pinchi Aguirre-а с ярко-выраженной тематикой айяуаски. Его живопись невероятно яркая, пульсирующая и живая ввиду сюжетов и техники, которую использует автор.