Tag Archives: illusion

Beyond Illusion psychedelic trance party flyer

Beyond Illusion Poster

Hey people. Today I’d like to share some recent art of mine. It’s a flyer I’ve made for Earth Star. It was one of the projects when everything goes nice and smooth. The theme (Beyond Illusion) the guys proposed was cool, the sketch came out in a minute and the resources were waiting for me out there on sxc.hu and cgtextures.com. You’ll see the flyer I’ve made (with some text layout editing by Alien Angel) and the background without any text within the post.

Ayahuasca art of Felix Pinchi Aguirre

Hey all! Today I’d like to share some peruvian ayahuasca art with you. The painter’s name is Felix Pinchi Aguirre. His art is extremely vivid, pulsing and truly alive due to its subject and technique the painter uses.

Всем привет! Сегодня я покажу вам несколько работ перуанского художника Felix Pinchi Aguirre-а с ярко-выраженной тематикой айяуаски. Его живопись невероятно яркая, пульсирующая и живая ввиду сюжетов и техники, которую использует автор.