Tag Archives: hindu

Lord Ganesha Project – Art and References

Hey guys, what’s up? I’m ready to start my personal July project. I thought it will be cool to create a series of artworks with Hindu gods. Last time it was Lord Hanuman and the new artwork will be about Lord Ganesha. I really want to make it more liquid and fluid than usual and […]

Lord Hanuman Colored Version

Hey guys! How is it going? I have completed Lord Hanuman in color and I’m very happy to share it with you! The Process It took me almost a month to complete this artwork but it was 100% worth it. Making the black and white version was very interesting in terms of designing the whole […]

Lord Hanuman Black and White Digital Vector Drawing

“Lord Hanuman Final Vector Artwork

Hey guys! What’s up? Today I’d like to present you my most recent artwork. It’s called Lord Hanuman. He is one of the main characters in Indian Epic Ramayana. If you have not seen yet, I highly recommend checking out animation Sita Sings the Blues which is a modern interpretation of Ramayana (I will put […]

Kali in Wonderland Psychedelic T-shirts Preorder

Dear psytrance people! Are you looking for a new trippy t-shirt for a party or open-air festival? I’ve recently finished my new psychedelic t-shirt design and I’m inviting you to become an early bird and get this t-shirt with a nice discount!

Kundalini Meditation Snake Spirit t-shirt design

Hey everyone! Today I’d like to show you my Kundalini Meditation Snake Spirit t-shirt design. Being honest I’ve almost no idea about Kundalini Yoga, but this snake came out of nowhere and I’ve realised that it might have some reference to Kundalini theme.

Psychedelic wall paintings in our new house on Bali

Hey guys! Today I’m going to show you some photos from a house we are now renting on Bali. We are located 25 minutes ride north from Ubud in village with only few expats living around. It is a very silent place comparing to Ubud and to the southern parts of Bali of course. The house itself was built by some Canadian guy and it has very little in common with local architecture. The first floor is an octagonal prism and the second floor is an octagonal pyramid. Almost every wall is painted with many Hindu and one Buddhist themes.

New run of Cheshire Cat’s dream – psychedelic uv t-shirt

Hey guys! The first time I’ve printed Cheshire Cat’s dream I ran out of lady’s tees very fast, so this time there are more of ’em. The t-shirts come not only in black and blue textile, but also in pink for ladies and dark red for men.

Привет, друзья! Когда я в первый раз напечатал Сон Чеширского Кота, у меня очень быстро закончились женские футболки. И вот, не прошло и года, я напечатал еще один небольшой тираж в 50 штук. Футболки на этот раз не только черные и синии, но и розовые для девушек и темно-красные для юношей.

Cheshire Cat’s dream psychedelic T-shirt

Hey guys! I’ve printed a new psychedelic t-shirt! It’s called “Cheshire Cat’s dream”. There is Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sleeping and dreaming of himself as hindu or buddhist god-like creature (you can see a small cat sleeping right under the chain of skulls). There is also a White Rabbit, Smoking Caterpillar and Madhatter’s skull on the buttom of the image.

Привет друзья! Я напечатал новую психоделическую футболку. Называется она “Сон Чеширского Кота”. На принте изображен Чеширский Кот из Алисы в Стране Чудес, который спит на коленях четырех-рукого индуистского или буддийского богоподобного существа, и ему снится, что это он и есть это мощное существо. Среди прочих мелочей, на картинке можно найти Белого Кролика, Курящую Гусеницу и череп Шляпного Болванщика.