Tag Archives: fluorescent

UV-Reactive Canopy Launch

Golden Buddha Temple Psychedelic UV-Reactive Canopy Detail

Hey guys! Finally all the preparations have been made all quotes from production partners have been received and I’m launching my new product – UV-Reactive Canopy!

Epic Underwater Kingdom Tapestry Creation

Epic Underwater Kingdom Header

Hey guys! What’s up? A couple of days ago I’ve completed my biggest project in the last years if not in a lifetime and today I want to share some of the work in progress shots and thoughts about it.

Through the Portal

Through the Portal - Header

Hey guys! What’s up? Today is the day – I’ve completed a painting I had started back in August. It’s called “Trough the Portal” and it is the second of the series about a guy who has woken up in a different galaxy and now he is trying to get back home. The first painting […]

Looking for the Home Galaxy Painting Completed!

Portal UV Painting Details

Hey guys! What’s up? I’ve completed my portal painting few days ago. It was a great one-month-long trip and I had a great time working with analog materials :) I certainly love digital art but creating something without staring at a screen is sooo cool! The original painting will be soon sent to San Francisco […]

Lord Hanuman Colored Version

Hey guys! How is it going? I have completed Lord Hanuman in color and I’m very happy to share it with you! The Process It took me almost a month to complete this artwork but it was 100% worth it. Making the black and white version was very interesting in terms of designing the whole […]

Kali in Wonderland Psychedelic T-shirts Preorder

Dear psytrance people! Are you looking for a new trippy t-shirt for a party or open-air festival? I’ve recently finished my new psychedelic t-shirt design and I’m inviting you to become an early bird and get this t-shirt with a nice discount!

Psychedelic Yggdrasil T-shirt Design Fluorescent Photos Update

Hey guys! I’ve just took some pictures of my Psychedelic Yggdrasil T-shirt in fluorescent (UV) light. I’m very happy with the result ’cause I had no idea how it will look in the UV light. There are very few tees left and they are only $30 a piece including free international shipping. So grab one now! :)

Fluorescent psychedelic backdrop “Deep Purple”

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you some pictures of a fluorescent psychedelic backdrop I have produced recently. The artwork I used for the print is my illustration I’ve made for Purple Hexagon’s release “Deep Purple”. Dive into the post to see the pictures, product features and pricing details!

Space traveler psychedelic fluorescent backdrop preorder

Hey guys! Sometime ago I’ve finished an artwork that was supposed to become an album cover but… not going too deep into details it did not. Still I like it very much and I’d like to print a fluorescent backdrop with this illustration. And I have a special preorder offer for you guys. Jump into the post for the details!

Deep Purple CD art for Purple Hexagon

Hey guys! Here comes a new psy-trance release “Deep Purple” by Purple Hexagon with my package design. It was the first time I was working with Tom from Purple Hexagon and I really enjoyed it. He was very open to all my ideas and I was happy to bring ’em to life. Within the post are all the parts of CD package and the cover art without any text which I’m going to print on textile as a backdrop.

Teaming up with Global Sect

Hey people! I have some good news. I’ve got a new partner – Global Sect – a psychedelic trance music label. Now you can buy some of their merchandise in my Etsy shop. The designs were made by a Ukrainian artist Ahankara. Below you can see the photos of fluorescent and regular t-shirts and psychedelic backdrop. Click an image to get to the page where you can purchase it.

Drop Acid Not Bombs psychedelic t-shirts preorder

Hi everyone! I’ve finally have everything ready for the tees to be printed. Now you can preorder the t-shirt from my Etsy Shop with 35% discount. This special offer will be active till April 23rd. There are two preorder pages: one for man’s tees and one for lady’s tees. Thanks in advance! :) I really appreciate your support and I’m very happy to make products that you people enjoy wearing.

New run of Cheshire Cat’s dream – psychedelic uv t-shirt

Hey guys! The first time I’ve printed Cheshire Cat’s dream I ran out of lady’s tees very fast, so this time there are more of ’em. The t-shirts come not only in black and blue textile, but also in pink for ladies and dark red for men.

Привет, друзья! Когда я в первый раз напечатал Сон Чеширского Кота, у меня очень быстро закончились женские футболки. И вот, не прошло и года, я напечатал еще один небольшой тираж в 50 штук. Футболки на этот раз не только черные и синии, но и розовые для девушек и темно-красные для юношей.

Cheshire Cat’s dream psychedelic T-shirt

Hey guys! I’ve printed a new psychedelic t-shirt! It’s called “Cheshire Cat’s dream”. There is Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sleeping and dreaming of himself as hindu or buddhist god-like creature (you can see a small cat sleeping right under the chain of skulls). There is also a White Rabbit, Smoking Caterpillar and Madhatter’s skull on the buttom of the image.

Привет друзья! Я напечатал новую психоделическую футболку. Называется она “Сон Чеширского Кота”. На принте изображен Чеширский Кот из Алисы в Стране Чудес, который спит на коленях четырех-рукого индуистского или буддийского богоподобного существа, и ему снится, что это он и есть это мощное существо. Среди прочих мелочей, на картинке можно найти Белого Кролика, Курящую Гусеницу и череп Шляпного Болванщика.

T-shirt question

Hey guys! Today I have a question for you. As you might have already noticed, I love doing art and making psychedelic T-shirt designs. Here is the deal: you tell me any (reasonable and not offensive) subject for my future T-shirt design, I collect all this information, process it and create a freaking psychedelic design. Those of you who suggest a theme will get 30% off the T-shirt’s price. If you don’t have an idea but want to have a discount you can simply leave a comment with the T-shirt size you want – then you’ll get 20% off.

Всем привет! Как вы, наверно, заметили, я люблю рисовать и люблю делать дизайны футболок. Как вам такая тема: вы мне предлагаете объекты и/или сюжеты для футболок, а я их собираю в один насыщенный дизайн, печатаю футболочки и даю 30% скидку тем, кто предлагал идеи, и 20% тем, кто сделает предзаказ без идейных высказываний. Несколько человек уже высказались на счет сюжетов – дизайн обещает быть довольно шизанутым)).

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt is finally here!

Hey everyone! Turn On Tune In Drop Out psychedelic t-shirt is finally out for sale! It’s very vivid and it glows in the black light. Dive into the post to see the photos in the daylight and black light.

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt Design

Hey guys! How is it going? Today I’ve got some good news for people who are looking for a cool psychedelic art T-shirt . I’ve just finished my new design and I want to print it on fabric!

Check out the post to see the design, get the discount and download the free psychedelic wallpaper!

Cyber octopus – free psychedelic art wallpaper

Hey guys! Here comes my new free psychedelic art wallpaper! It’s called “Cyber Octopus”. I wanted to make mixture of cyber-punk and psychedelic art. As you can see the result is more psychedelic rather than cyber-punkish hehe.

You’ll find the psychedelic wallpaper and some close ups of it within the post.

My first psychedelic linocut T-shirt prints

Hey people! About 3 months ago I told you about my plans on psychedelic clothes and accessories shop. Well, being honest I have not done much about it (things seemed a bit different in Thai mountains rather than in Moscow city-life). Anyway I’m moving towards printing psychedelic T-shirts myself. Yesterday was the first time I did the linocut prints.

You’ll see the results within the post! All images are clickable.