Tag Archives: eagle

Preorder my new psychedelic fluorescent t-shirt Yggdrasil!

Psychedelic Yggdrasil the Tree of Life Fluorescent Man's T-shirt

Hey guys!
I have some good new for my buyers :) I’ve recently started a preorder of my new fluorescent t-shirt – Yggdrasil the Tree of Life. You will find all info regarding the preorder within the post.

Psychedelic Yggdrasil the Tree of Life T-shirt Design

Hey guys! Today I’d like to present you my psychedelic vision of the World Tree Yggdrasil (also known as Tree of life). There is a wyrm (dragon) chewing the roots of the tree, a wise eagle on top of the tree and a squirrel Ratatoskr that brings the curses from the dragon to the eagle and back again. What a sophisticated way of communicating!

Check out the design and download a free high resolution wallpaper!

Psychedelic watercolor animals by Laura Ball

Hey guys! This post is dedicated to psychedelic watercolor paintings by Laura Ball. I love the tones of white space and the melting mix of textures and colors. Enjoy!

Привет, друзья! Этот пост посвящен психоделической акварели руки Laura Ball. Мне очень по нраву масса белого пространства и тающие и перетекающие текстуры и цвета. Наслаждайтесь!

Ayahuasca art of Felix Pinchi Aguirre

Hey all! Today I’d like to share some peruvian ayahuasca art with you. The painter’s name is Felix Pinchi Aguirre. His art is extremely vivid, pulsing and truly alive due to its subject and technique the painter uses.

Всем привет! Сегодня я покажу вам несколько работ перуанского художника Felix Pinchi Aguirre-а с ярко-выраженной тематикой айяуаски. Его живопись невероятно яркая, пульсирующая и живая ввиду сюжетов и техники, которую использует автор.

Turn On Tune In Drop Out Psychedelic T-shirt Design

Hey guys! How is it going? Today I’ve got some good news for people who are looking for a cool psychedelic art T-shirt . I’ve just finished my new design and I want to print it on fabric!

Check out the post to see the design, get the discount and download the free psychedelic wallpaper!

Aztec meeting – Psychedelic T-shirt design

Check out my new psychedelic T-shirt design “Aztec meeting”! This is semi-traditional Aztec design T-shirt with lots of characters and details: skulls, snakes, mushrooms and supernatural beings. Hopefully I’d have a chance to print a small pack of T-shirts (about 50 items) with fluorescent paint.

Зацените мой новый психоделический дизайн футболки! Я большой фанат искуства ацтеков, так что понемного внедряю его в свое творчество. Надеюсь, футболки в небольшом количестве (штук 50) удастся напечатать в июле.