Tag Archives: child

Visionary landscapes of John Stephens

Hey people! This inspiration post features amazing visionary paintings by John Stephens. Dive into the post to see several extremely luminous, view and mind expanding artworks!

Друзья! Этот пост посвящен невероятной визионерской (честно, не знаю подходящего слова по-русски, а словарь выдает какую-то ерунду) живописи кисти John Stephens. Ныряйте в пост и насладитесь невероятно светоносными, расширяющими взгляд и сознание работами!

Psychedelic art of Lena Snegireva

Hey fellas! This inspiration post is dedicated to Lena Snegireva – an extremely talented Russian psychedelic illustrator. I truly adore her art and I’m sure you’ll like it too!)

Друзья! Этот вдохновенческий пост посвящен Лене Снегиревой. Лена невероятно талантливая российская психоделическая художница-иллюстратор. Обожаю ее работы и уверен, вам они тоже понравятся!)

Surreal visionary art of Cameron Gray

Hey guys! Here comes another cool spiritual person. Cameron Gray is Australian artist and photographer who resides in Tasmania. He is a young guy but he has been featured in numerous exhibitions and he has been awarded many times. I’m not a big fan of 3D models used in surreal and psychedelic artworks, but Cameron’s digital creations are really worthy spending some time to explore them.

Today I’d like to start the showcase with a video.