Tag Archives: book

Recently read Books: Dharma in Hell and A Year to Live

Recently read books

Hey guys! Today I’d like to tell you about two books I’ve read recently. The first one is called “Dharma in Hell. The Prison Writings of Fleet Maull” and the second book is called “A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last”. Check out the post for my short review of these two awesome books!

Visionary art of Dennis Konstantin

Hi all! This inspiration post is a showcase of beautiful visionary art of Dennis Konstantin – a painter from Germany. What I specially like about his paintings is the way he works with text – the letters are painted very artistically and the choice of fonts is cool!

Друзья! Этот вдохновенческий пост состоит из визионерской живописи Dennis Konstantin-а – художника из Германии. Что мне особенно нравится в его живописи, так это работа с текстом – здоровски написанные буквы (в том смысле, что они живонаписанны (: ) и выбор шрифтов довольно интересный!